Κids Painting and Drawing Competition 4-14 years of age. Closing date: 31th of March 2024

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Hello young runners!

The organizers of the Poseidon Athens Half Marathon invite you to participate in  "The New Panhellenic Painting and Drawing Competition"

The competition is open to kids aged 4 to 14.

Selected artworks will be periodically featured in one or more exhibitions.

How to participate:


The theme of the competition is "Running is a game, it's joy! Running with our friends is even greater joy!"

Draw or paint from your physical education class or images from a running race you have participated in.

If you wish, paint yourselves, your friends, mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa. Your aunt, uncle, cousins, classmates, neighbors, or people you have seen running together as a group.

Dimensions and Materials:

The size of the artworks cannot be smaller than A4 and larger than A3.

For group works, the above dimensions do not apply.

The artwork should be painted on watercolor paper or painted on plain paper but mounted on cardboard.

For group works, participants must be at least 5 or more individuals.

The choice of materials or technique is free.


Until When, How, and Where to Submit Children's Artworks:

Download the participation form in English below.

Complete the form on the right side. In case of incomplete information, the artwork will not be included in the painting exhibition.

Use the materials as described in the instructions FOR ADULTS.

On the back of the artwork (on the cardboard), write additional information: Name, Surname, Title of the artwork, School - Art room, and area.

ATTENTION: Additionally, please fill out the online participation form for the competition, as we are considering the possibility of showcasing children's artworks in digital art collections.

This year, it will mainly depend on the sufficient availability of volunteers from our art team "Flisvos."

Click "here" or alternatively, on the link https://poseidon-athenshalfmarathon.com/el/e-poseidon-kids-painting-1

The submission and receipt of the artwork must be completed by March 31, 2024.

Send the artwork, along with the participation form, to the Address:

Pan-Hellenic Kids' Painting Competition
Aiantos 28
Postal Code 175 62 - Paleo Faliro - Athens
Delivery: Monday to Friday 9:00-14:00

The selection of artworks will be made in two age categories 4-8, 9-14 years old, and in a third, separate category, Group Works.

An art team will select the artworks to be distinguished, and the winners will be drawn later.

The winners will be announced on our website and will be notified electronically.

Selected artworks, for age categories 4-8 and 9-14 years old, will be periodically featured in one or more exhibitions.

Deadline - Application Deadline: March 31, 2024, or earlier upon reaching the first 1,000 entries.

All Winners!

INFORMATION: Through the Organization's website and the Events menu and the Submenu Kids Painting Competition "here." 

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Terms of Participation: Please note that the documents and all images created in connection with this kids painting competition (including photos, videos, interviews of participants on radio, television, print, or electronic media, photo-film copies, videotapes, etc.) using part of the creators' personal data, may be published by the organizers without compensation.

DOWNLOAD APPLICATION (right click above and save image as)

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